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How To Get Rid Of Bad Breath While Fasting

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Bad Breath And Oral Health

How To Get Rid of Bad Breath on Keto & Intermittent Fasting? â Dr. Berg

To ensure proper oral health and hygiene, it is important to understand why we get bad breath. When we dont drink or eat for a long time, it causes dehydration that leads to bacteria buildup in the mouth. The bacteria break down the food particle left in the mouth and release foul-smelling gases. The top, back, and underneath of your tongue, and the area between the teeth have a large buildup of these bacteria.

Saliva plays a key role in decreasing and helps with eliminating bacterial growth in the mouth. It acts as an antibacterial agent. When we fast, the flow of saliva is significantly reduced during this state of dehydration. The saliva production slows down that causes bad breath. This results in dry mouth and bacteria flourish in the mouth during these circumstances.

This is also the reason that we get morning breath after we wake up from sleep. It is essential to floss and brush your teeth daily before you sleep and after you wake up in the morning for hygiene and sound oral health.

Use An Effective Oral Rinse

While water acts as a natural cleanser for your mouth, sometimes you may need a medicated solution to address fasting and bad breath-related problems. The population of bacteria in your mouth can increase with low levels of saliva in the mouth.

To reduce it, you can try using an over-the-counter mouth wash that can simply tackle the proliferation of bacteria. You should check the label for ingredients as most mouthwashes contain alcohol that can dry the palette, aggravating dry mouth conditions.

How Long Does Keto Breath Last

Some people on the ketogenic diet never experience keto breath. For those who do, the odor can be troublesome. But keto breath is temporary.

You may notice a change in your breath within days or a week of starting a low-carb diet. However, the odor will subside as your body adjusts to a lower carb intake. This might take a couple of weeks, and there are a few things you can do to freshen your breath during this period of time.

Here are a few simple tips to reduce bad breath while your body adjusts to a low-carb diet.

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Kick The Tobacco Habit

Besides causing cancer, smoking can damage your gums, stain your teeth, and give you bad breath.

Over-the-counter nicotine patches can help tame the urge. If you need a little help, make an appointment with your doctor to talk about quit-smoking programs or prescription medications that can help you give up tobacco for good.

How To Get Rid Of Bad Breath While Fasting

How to Get Rid of Garlic Breath Really, Really Fast

Fasting causes bad breath, and as a muslim I fast these days.

It is permissible to brush your teeth whilst fasting but it does not help. I think the bad smell has nothing to do with mouth and is coming from stomach or something.

And chewing gum is not permissible during Ramadan and would count as breaking your fast. The reason for this is because of the sugar and other ingredients that the chewing gum contains, as you would be swallowing it.

How can I get rid of the bad smell without breaking my fast?

Before you begin your fast and afterwards in the evening be sure you drink enough water to hydrate yourself sufficiently. Reduced saliva and a dry mouth make your breath odour stronger.

In addition, practice regular oral hygiene which includes brushing your teeth, flossing between your teeth to remove plaque which will harden into tartar and, scraping the back of your tongue will help.

To check how effective you are, scrape the back of your tongue with a spoon and let the ‘stuff’ dry a bit. That is what your breath smells like.

Bad “mask breath” is a good indicator of the odour of your breath.

Good luck.

  • A quicker and easier way to check how your breath smells is to lick the back of your hand and sniff it.

The thing that serves as the major reservoir for bad breath is the tongue.

Brush your tongue, and you should have better breath. This doesnt resolve all sources of bad breath, of course, but it does resolve one large but easily-tackled source.

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Keep Your Mouth Clean All Day

Dawasaz notes that mouth odour mostly emanates from the tongue, so recommends that a tongue scraper be used daily.

While brush and flossing 30-60 minutes after iftar and suhoor can reduce plaque build-up, Hendy says using a tongue scraper, floss and interdental aids even during fasting hours can help keep your mouth clean.

If you want to use a toothbrush during the day, Baeshen recommends doing so with very little toothpaste applied on the toothbrush. Ensure the mouth is rinsed properly thereafter, so no remnants or taste of the paste is swallowed.

He adds: “There are also traditional ways of maintaining oral hygiene without the need for toothpaste or even added water. Try using miswak stick, the soft bristles on either end of the twig can be used to clean the teeth. And use the sunnah siwaak tooth stick without paste throughout the day.”

Miswak sticks can be used for brushing teeth in lieu of a brush. Photo: Jeff Topping for The National

Halitosis: A Condition Of Bad Breath

Bad breath can originate anywhere in the dental cavity, including the teeth or mouth, or it could be a symptom of an underlying health problem. It could be a temporary or a chronic condition.

As pointed out by the American Dental Association, almost 50% of adults are likely to have halitosis once in their lifetime. Simple routines such as replacing your old toothbrushes with new ones once every three months, cleaning your dentures or mouth guards daily, and regular dental cleaning and examination every six months can prevent breath odor.

While poor dental hygiene, heavy foods, strong beverages, smoking, and dry mouth can worsen the problem, gum disease, known as periodontal disease can also cause bad breath.

When plaque hardens into tartar over time, it cannot be removed by regular brushing. These tartars can cause pockets between teeth and gums that collect food particles, bacteria, and dental plaque, causing odor.

Sometimes, mouth or throat conditions or underlying diseases such as liver disease, diabetes, kidney disease, sleep apnea, or other gastroesophageal reflux disorders can give way to halitosis.

Heres more on how a fasting breath condition is likely to affect many people.

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How Can I Permanently Get Rid Of Bad Breath

Generally speaking, the best way to permanently end bad breath is by having a good dental hygiene routine. That includes:

  • Brushing your teeth after every meal
  • Flossing your teeth at least twice per day
  • Visiting your dentist every six months for a routine exam and cleaning
  • Thoroughly cleaning any dental appliances at least once per day

If your bad breath persists, consult with your dentist for a medical diagnosis. In some cases, bad breath may stem from an infection, disease, medications, periodontal disease, etc.

How To Prevent Bad Breath

How to avoid Bad Breath – While Fasting

Dont wait until someone faints when you open your mouth to start fighting off halitosis. There are many easy ways to practice preventative care, ensuring you will never have to wonder how to get rid of bad breath. Instead, youll be cutting off halitosis before it starts to gestate.

Here are a few tips on how to prevent bad breath:

Brush the back of your tongue: Bacteria has a tendency to build in the back of the mouth, where toothbrushes may not reach. Be sure to use your brush to scrape the back of your mouth as well as the top basically, try to get any spaces that you may have missed when you did your teeth. This is especially important for children. Drill into them the importance of brushing their tongue early in life, and it will become an ingrained habit.

Drink lots of water: Water flushes out the small pieces of food and debris that naturally accumulate in your mouth during the course of a day. Because water has no odor, it is a better choice than juice or milk to drink.

Avoid mouthwashes with alcohol: As weve established, lack of saliva production is part of what causes bad breath, and alcohol can dry out the mouth. Alcohol may also damage your mouth because its so harsh, so youre better off with a mouthwash that contains more gentle ingredients.

Drop the dairy products: Dairy can also be bad news for mouths, as bacteria thrive on the proteins in milk and cheese. Eliminate these foods and you cut off a major source of bacterial reproduction.

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Oral Care Tips During Non

During non-fasting hours, it is extremely important to resume your oral hygiene routine.

  • Brush for 2-3 minutes with a fluoride toothpaste after iftar and suhoor to reduce plaque buildup.
  • Use interdental aids like floss and interdental brushes daily to clean areas in between your teeth that your toothbrush cant reach.
  • Use a tongue scraper to reduce the buildup of oral bacteria on your tongue and keep your mouth healthy.

Caring for your teeth and gums should not take the backseat during Ramadan.

Dr Amirs Top Tips For Maintaining A Healthy Oral Hygiene Routine During Ramadan

  • Brush your teeth thoroughly before sleeping at night and I recommend brushing after Suhoor for at least 2 minutes
  • Floss at least once a day
  • Clean your tongue using a tongue scraper or separate toothbrush
  • Use alcohol-free mouthwash
  • Avoid sugary food and drinks as it can increase the amount of bacteria in your mouth
  • Avoid caffeine, excess salt and other foods that lead to dehydration

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Ways To Stop Bad Breath

Is your breath fresh? More than 80 million people suffer from chronic halitosis, or bad breath, and studies show half of adults have had it at some point. In most cases, it originates from the gums and tongue.

Bad breath can be very embarrassing, but its a common condition that you can prevent. Follow these nine tips to fight bad breath and keep your mouth healthy:

Intermittent And Prolonged Fasting

Home Remedies for Detoxification
  • Intermittent fasting:it is when you can eat and drink only during a small window of your time during the day and for the remaining hours, you fast. The distribution can be:- 16/8 intermittent fasting, where youd eat in a window of 8 hours and fast for 16 hours. – 20/4 intermittent fasting, where youd eat in a window of 4 hours and fast for 20 hours.
  • Prolonged fasting: A prolonged fast is when you go without food and water for over 24 hours. This is kind of extremely fast because the extended lack of water may harm your health. This type of fasting should be kept short and only under someones supervision.

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Avoid Foods That Sour Your Breath

Onions and garlic are big offenders. But brushing after you eat them doesn’t help.

The substances that cause their bad smells make their way into your bloodstream and travel to your lungs, where you breathe them out, says dentist Richard Price, DMD, a spokesperson for the American Dental Association.

The best way to stop the problem? Don’t eat them, or at least avoid them before you go to work or see friends.

How To Tackle Bad Breath While Fasting

Ramadan is the most blessed month of the year for Muslims, its a great opportunity to detox and cleanse our body spiritually and physically.

As we are abstaining from food and drink from sunrise to sunset throughout the month of Ramadan, many people ask the question, how can I prevent bad breath in Ramadan? This is medically known as halitosis, a term used to describe an unpleasant odour exhaled through the mouth. Bad breath can lead to a decrease in self-confidence in social and intimate relations.

Bad Breath Fixes

The prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him said: By the one in Whose Hand my soul is, the breath of the fasting person is more pleasant with Allah than the smell of musk.

This narration exemplifies the blessing of fasting and that the breath of a fasting person is pleasing to God. However we must keep in mind that we have the responsibility of taking care of our health and nourishing our body.

How do we get bad breath?

Bad breath is predominantly caused by bacteria breaking down food that is left in your mouth. These bacterias release foul-smelling gases. Theres usually a large build up of these bacterias on top, to the back or underneath your tongue and in between your teeth. Other areas that lead to bad breath is bacteria in your gut!

How do we prevent bad breath while fasting?

1. Maintain good oral hygiene
Benefits of the Miswak
2. Stay hydrated!
3. Probiotics
4. Organic coconut oil pulling
How to do coconut oil pulling:



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Relax Your Facial Muscles If You Can

During the day, you may find yourself clenching your teeth and exerting additional pressure on your jaw. It may even cause some pain. Some people find that conscious deep breathing can help. If you have a night guard because you grind or clench your teeth while you sleep, then slip it in during the day. The purpose of a night guard is to stop your jaw closing into a locked position. Alternatively, if you have a sports gum shield, try that instead. It may offer you some relief from an aching jaw.

Ways To Maintain Your Oral Health During Ramadan

How to Deal with Fasting Bad Breath | Fasting & Cleanses

Fasting comes with a wide range of health benefits for the body. It lowers blood pressure, detoxifies the liver, and also increases lifespan. Moreover, when you fast in Ramadan, the body goes into deprivation mode. As a result, the nutrients in the body make way to parts where they are needed the most. A good amount of minerals is deposited into teeth that prevent decay and strengthen them.

However, the long hours from Suhoor to Iftar call for some particular oral health measures. It often gets neglected as many people get too confused as to what is allowed or is not while we fast.

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Brush Your Teeth Twice A Day

Brush your teeth for two to three minutes at least twice a day to remove plaque and food debris. Its important to know when to brush at breakfast time, and always brush your teeth before going to bed. Adding a brushing session with baking soda can reduce the acidity and the bacteria that cause bad breath to grow.

What Causes Bad Breath While Fasting

  • Poor oral hygiene Bacterial plaque build-ups are a known cause of bad breath, tooth decay and gum disease.
  • Improper cleaning of dentures Like teeth, dentures can retain bacteria, tartar and cause bad breath when they are not cleaned properly.
  • Smoking including cigarettes, cigars and shisha
  • Nutrition Some food may aggravate the bad smell, such as onion, garlic and some kind of spices.
  • Dry mouth Also known as xerostomia, dry mouth is one of the major causes of bad breath. It is caused by an insufficient flow of saliva and is a common side effect of certain medications and a symptom of some medical conditions.
  • Other non-oral conditions including nose, sinus, throat or digestive disorders
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    What Your Dental Routine Should Look Like

    Baeshen outlines what an effective oral hygiene routine looks like: Set and stick to a solid tooth brushing routine, he says. Regard flossing your teeth as important as brushing. Use a fluoride toothpaste and a good mouth rinse. Drink plenty of water and only water just before bed. Schedule routine dental check-ups and cleanings.

    Hendy adds: A persons oral hygiene routine should consist of twice daily brushing for two to three minutes with a fluoride toothpaste and a soft-medium toothbrush, which should be changed every three months.

    Finally, Dawasaz is a fan of electronic toothbrushes that, she says, help with thorough cleaning.

    Reasons For Bad Breath During Fasting

    Does intermittent fasting cause bad breath?
    • Bad breath, medically termed halitosis, can be a common side effect of fasting. Fasting causes the release of ketones, which are chemicals that are produced when the body breaks down fat for energy. When these ketones mix with bacteria in the mouth, they produce a bad odor.
    • Bad breath is also a common side effect of dehydration. When youre dehydrated, your mouth becomes dry and this causes the release of more ketones. In addition, fasting can also lead to bad breath because it decreases saliva production. Saliva helps to cleanse the mouth and get rid of bacteria.
    • Eating foods that cause bad breath is another common cause of bad breath during fasting. Foods like garlic and onions can linger in the mouth long after you eat them and cause bad.

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    What Causes Fasting Breath

    The simple answer is: fasting!

    But, its true. The main culprit isnt the lack of food, but rather, the lack of water throughout the day. In this case, our mums are right: drinking more water really is the solution.

    In the case of bad breath , not drinking water makes a large impact. Water doesnt just keep the cells in your body healthy and functioning, but it plays a very specific part in keeping your breath from smelling horrible And thats by producing saliva.

    Drinking water keeps the saliva in your mouth flowing and that saliva, in turn, keeps the bacteria in your mouth under control. You see, when you have enough saliva in your mouth, youll be swallowing, often. The act of swallowing, in turn, helps wash down bacteria, food debris, and dead cells that gang up in your mouth.

    So, less water = less saliva, and less saliva = bad breath. Its that simple, really.

    Fret not, though: there are ways to combat fasting breath that dont involve breaking your fast by taking a sip of water.

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