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How To Do 14 Hour Fasting

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Can I Still Take My Supplements When Intermittent Fasting

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You can but I would give your body a break for the day. So if youre taking multivitamins, fish oil, probiotics, etc just take a day off from supplementation.

This may also help prevent your body from developing sensitivities to commonly consumed supplements and ingredients that can occur with continued consumption of literally any food product.

Frequently Asked Questions Concerns And Complaints

Im a woman. Should I do anything differently?

I havent worked with women on implementing an intermittent fasting schedule, so I cant speak from experience on this one.

That said, I have heard that women may find a wider window of eating to be more favorable when doing daily intermittent fasting. While men will typically fast for 16 hours and then eat for 8 hours, women may find better results by eating for 10 hours and fasting for 14 hours. The best advice I can give anyone, not just women, is to experiment and see what works best for you. Your body will give you signals. Follow what your body responds favorably to.

Also, if youre a female, there is an allfemale page on Facebook that discusses intermittent fasting. Im sure you could find a ton of great answers and support there.

I could never skip breakfast. How do you do it?

I dont. Breakfast foods are my favorite, so I just eat them at 1pm each day.

Also, if you eat a big dinner the night before, I think youll be surprised by how much energy you have in the morning. Most of the worries or concerns that people have about intermittent fasting are due to the fact that they have had it pounded into them by companies that they need to eat breakfast or they need to eat every three hours and so on. The science doesnt support it and neither do my personal experiences.

I thought you were supposed to eat every 3 hours?

Here’s why this was a popular idea for a brief period of time:

Here’s the problem:

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Breakfast: Green Smoothie At 8 Am

After fasting, I like to ease into my day of eating with a smoothie since it is a little easier for my gut to digest. You’ll want to go for a green smoothie instead of a high-sugar fruit smoothie to avoid starting your day on a blood-sugar roller coaster. Add in lots of healthy fats to keep you going until lunch!



  • Mix together coconut cream and ½ teaspoon cinnamon.
  • Line an 8-by-8-inch square pan with parchment paper and spread coconut cream and cinnamon mixture at the bottom.
  • Mix together ½ teaspoon of cinnamon with coconut oil and almond butter. Spread over the first layer in the pan.
  • Freeze for 10 minutes and cut into desired-size squares or bars.
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    Brians Week 2 Fasting Window

    For those of you following along on Brians journey, hes sticking to his 14 hour window, fasting from 5pm-7am. He gets up early, works a bit, gets ready, then eats breakfast at 7am. Heads to work, takes his lunch and snacks and drinks his dinner at 5pm at work. Hes wanted to try KaChava for quite some timeessentially its a meal replacement shake thats touted as a blend of organic superfoods and plant based protein. He says the taste is surprisingly good and so far is happy with it. He too is liking the switch timeline wise. He said by having his dinner at work, it gives him the needed energy to get through the rest of his work day, then get home for some quality time with the kids reading books before bed. And like me, this timeline takes out the option of those late night cravings, or un-healthy convenient take out dinners. During the weekends, he skips the shake and partakes in dinner with me and the kids around 4/5pm. Another hidden benefit of this timeline is that family meal time during the weekends is becoming a lot more enjoyable and fun!

    The Benefits Of An Extended Fast

    Intermittent Fasting Helps to Lose Weight Fast and Improve ...

    Obviously, you can’t fast for 24 hours every day because, you know, food is essential for life. So if you do want to experiment with these longer autophagy-inducing fasts, you’ll have to strategically space them out. “My opinion is that a longer episode without any caloric intake done a few times per month over decades is likely the best approach for preventing chronic diseases because it is feasible to do consistently over a lifetimethe period of time that chronic diseases like coronary artery disease and diabetes develop,” says Benjamin Horne, Ph.D., a genetic epidemiologist who is currently conducting a trial evaluating the effectiveness of a once-per-week 24-hour water-only fast.

    Fasts up to 36 hours have also shown promise for people with type 2 diabetes, says Pedre, but these would absolutely need to be done under the supervision of a medical professional.

    Recommended Reading: What Is The Point Of Intermittent Fasting

    Will I Lose Weight

    Most likely.64 If you have weight to lose, it is extremely likely that you will lose weight if you do not eat.

    In theory, its possible to eat more after fasting, of course, cancelling out the weight lost. But studies generally show that most people tend to eat significantly less overall.65

    I call intermittent fasting the ancient secret of weight loss because it might be one of the most powerful dietary interventions for weight loss, yet it has been mostly ignored by doctors and dietitians for a long time.66

    Dinner: Salmon & Veggies At : 30 Pm

    Salmon is an excellent source of omega-3 healthy fats, and dark green veggies like kale and broccoli are high in antioxidants. Salmon is one of my personal favorites for its taste and nutrient density, but you can select any wild-caught seafood of your choosing. Serve alongside some of your favorite vegetables roasted in coconut oil, and you have a quick and easy superfood meal.


    • 4 cloves garlic, finely diced


  • Preheat oven to 400°F.
  • Mix together lemon juice, ghee, and garlic.
  • Place salmon in foil and pour lemon and ghee mixture over the top.
  • Wrap salmon with the foil and place on a baking sheet.
  • Bake for 15 minutes or until salmon is cooked through.
  • If your oven size allows, you can roast your vegetables alongside salmon on a separate baking sheet.
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    Dairy And Fermented Food

    You can boost your weight loss and overall health if your diet includes plenty of probiotics. They are highly effective when it comes to improving your metabolism and play a prominent role in the healthy balance of bacteria in your gut. They can reduce inflammation and aid in digestion. The most probiotic-rich foods include yogurt, kefir, aged cheese , non-dairy yogurts, sauerkraut, sour dill pickles, kimchi, miso, natto, kombucha, tempeh and others .

    What Is Intermittent Fasting 1: 10

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    14:10 is a type of intermittent fasting.

    Unlike the popular 16:8 method, it has a new ratio of fasting and feeding periods. Intermittent fasting 14:10 has an eating window of 10 hours and fasting window of 14 hours.

    One common approach to doing this is to eat normally in the hours between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. The period between 7 p.m. and 9 a.m. the next day is the fasting window.

    During the feeding period, you can eat your usual meals and snacks. Likewise, during the fasting window, you are not allowed to eat any calories. However, you can drink water and unsweetened coffee or green tea.

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    Intermittent Fasting Can Help Weight Loss

    IF makes intuitive sense. The food we eat is broken down by enzymes in our gut and eventually ends up as molecules in our bloodstream. Carbohydrates, particularly sugars and refined grains , are quickly broken down into sugar, which our cells use for energy. If our cells dont use it all, we store it in our fat cells as, well, fat. But sugar can only enter our cells with insulin, a hormone made in the pancreas. Insulin brings sugar into the fat cells and keeps it there.

    Between meals, as long as we dont snack, our insulin levels will go down and our fat cells can then release their stored sugar, to be used as energy. We lose weight if we let our insulin levels go down. The entire idea of IF is to allow the insulin levels to go down far enough and for long enough that we burn off our fat.

    What Is Dry Fasting

    Dry fasting is exactly what it sounds like: no food or water for an extended period of time. At first glance, this might sound torturous. But let me walk you through the benefits of dry fasting and you might just find that this is the most powerful fast you can do.

    The first thing you should know about dry fasting is that people have been dry fasting for centuries, primarily for religious reasons. The Muslim faith, for example, encourages dry fasts from sun up to sun down during Ramadan.

    The second thing to know about dry fasting is that when its done for short periods, it can be incredibly safe and even more effective than a longer water fast.

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    A Beginners Guide To Fasting: Everything You Need To Know About Fasting

    Fasting refers to the deliberate abstention from food and/or fluids for a period of time, for therapeutic purposes. Many people dont know that fasting has been used for thousands of years in various religious and spiritual practices throughout human history, and in a sense, fasting is part of everyday life. The term breakfast is the meal that breaks the fast, which is done daily.

    The recent increase in scientific research around fasting has allowed us to understand just how fasting positively affects our physiology, cells, aging, disease and overall health. What has been incredible for me to watch in my own clinic and coaching is how many people, regardless of symptoms or condition, have benefited from this completely free and simple biohack!

    In 2016 Dr. Ohsumi changed the fasting landscape dramatically when he won a Nobel prize for his work on autophagy. Autophagy means self-eating and is the bodys way of cleaning out damaged cells in order to regenerate newer, healthier cells. Autophagy is like the fast track to healing and slowing the aging process. What does autophagy have to do with fasting? Well, fasting triggers this magical autophagy process. Essentially, fasting helps accelerate healing and gets your body to naturally repair itself!

    Easier Intermittent Fasting Plan

    Intermittent Fasting: What it is and how to do it ...

    In my opinion, 12 hour fasting is the easiest and least painful way to go about fasting. If you are following an otherwise nutrient dense clean eating diet, it should actually be easy to do.

    Truly, if youre interested in embracing intermittent fasting, this 12 hour intermittent fasting plan is the most pleasant way to go.

    As mentioned, I have been doing it more or less by accident for years.

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    Foods List And Meal Plan

    To maximize the potential health benefits of your diet, its important to stick to nutritious whole foods and beverages during your eating periods.

    Filling up on nutrient-rich foods helps round out your diet and supports a healthy weight. Try balancing each meal with a wide variety of whole foods, such as:

    • Fruits: apples, bananas, berries, oranges, peaches, pears, tomatoes, etc.
    • Veggies: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cucumbers, leafy greens, etc.
    • Whole grains: barley, buckwheat, quinoa, rice, oats, etc.
    • Healthy fats: olive oil and avocados
    • Protein sources: eggs, fish, legumes, meat, poultry, nuts, seeds, etc.

    Drinking calorie-free beverages like water and unsweetened tea and coffee, even while fasting, also helps control your appetite while keeping you hydrated.

    Its best to avoid ultra-processed foods like packaged snacks, deep-fried items, sugary drinks, and most frozen meals. These negate the positive effects of 16/8 intermittent fasting and may harm your health.


    To begin 16/8 intermittent fasting, choose an 8-hour window and limit your food intake to that time span. Be sure to follow a balanced diet based in whole foods.


    Animal and human studies suggest that intermittent fasting may increase weight loss, improve blood sugar levels, and extend longevity.

    How Often Can You Dry Fast

    There are no set rules to how often you can dry fast. But the because the benefits of dry fasting are so powerful, I have added dry fasting to my weekly routine. Mondays are my busiest days, so I do a 24-hour dry fast every Monday.

    I recommend to my patients that they constantly vary their diet. There should be low carb days, high protein days, short intermittent fasting days, longer 24 hour fasting days, and now I am including dry fasting days.

    There you have it, the scoop on the benefits of dry fasting. As with all fasts, I highly recommend you have a coach or health professional oversee you during a fast. And as always, listen to your body when fasting, especially dry fasting.

    Happy dry fasting! Reach out if you have any questions. I always love hearing about your fasting experiences.


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    Pros Of Intermittent Fasting For Women

    “There is substantial research to support the therapeutic benefits of fasting,” says Jillian Greaves M.P.H., R.D., L.D.N. Integrative Functional Dietitian at Prevention Pantry Nutrition. “Some potential health benefits include improved cellular health, improved metabolic markers, and weight loss.”Studies show that intermittent fasting leads to weight loss in women, but doesn’t lead to any more weight loss than a calorie deficit overall. However, the structure of IF makes it easier for some to reduce caloric intake.

    Intermittent fasting can boost fat burn too. When we eat, blood sugar rises and insulin is released to take glucose to our cells for energy. Extra glucose is stored as fast. If you don’t eat for 10-16 hours, your body will start to use its fat stores for energy.

    A study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that in a fasted state, cellular repair occurs, which is linked to increased longevity, reduced risk of cancer, lower inflammation and improved metabolism. However, many of the studies are in animals and more studies in women are needed.

    There’s also emerging research that eating in sync with circadian rhythm keeps chronic diseases at bay. In other words, eating during a 6-10 hour window during the day, when it’s light outside, and reducing nighttime eating.

    Final Thoughts On Intermittent Fasting For Women

    How do you do intermittent fasting? || The Truth About Intermittent Fasting

    Intermittent fasting may work amazingly well for some people, and terribly for others. Most importantly, if you do decide to give intermittent fasting a try, be sure to listen to your bodys feedback. Easing into intermittent fasting by starting with shorter fasting windows can help with initial symptoms of hunger and discomfort. But if it becomes too uncomfortable, be honest with yourself, accept it, and move on.

    At the end of the day, nothing can have a greater impact on your health than a diet consisting of real, whole foods, and a lifestyle that prioritizes your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

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    How To Do Intermittent Fasting: 19 Popular Questions Answered

    If youve been wondering how to implement intermittent fasting or any other protocol to fast one day a week, Im going to provide you with the ultimate primer on this amazing dietary practice.

    You see, intermittent fasting is arguably the least expensive and most powerful healing method we can incorporate into our lives.

    Every religion has an element of fastingwhether its 30 days of Ramadan or a one day Yum Kippur fast. Our ancient ancestors were definitely on to something.

    We humans have been fasting since we first walked the earth. Our paleolithic ancestors didnt have the luxury of 24/7 convenience stores, a Starbucks on every corner, or even refrigerators to store their food.

    Thus, they ate what was freshly available.

    But sometimes they couldnt find anything to eat, and their bodies evolved to be able to function without food for extended periods of time. Today, we still have this same biology we havent evolved at all.

    And, if anything, fasting from time to time is more natural and healthier than constantly eating 3-4 meals per day. Ill show you proof further below.

    For years, my clients and readers have asked me which is better for weight loss eating 3-5 meals per day or intermittent fasting, not to mention they also wanted to know how to do it.

    So in this post, Im going to answer 18 of the most common fasting questions Ive been asked in order to give you a solid understanding of the topic.

    Lets jump in

    How To Do Intermittent Fasting 16/8

    To do intermittent fasting correctly and reap all the health benefits, heres what to do:

    • Pick your fasting window: Choose what the hours of fasting will be. The easiest approach is to have an early dinner and skip your morning breakfast. For example, eating only from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m.
    • Have healthy meals during your eating window: A bad diet during your eating window can offset the metabolic benefits of intermittent fasting, so stick to nutritious whole foods. Heres a list of the best keto-friendly foods to eat.
    • Eat fatty, satisfying meals: While you dont need to be keto to try intermittent fasting, eating fatty foods will make it a lot easier and sustainable. Keto foods are healthy and satisfying, so you wont be hungry during your fasting window. Practice smart snacking and youll do great.

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